Whats this all about ?

With less than 3 months to the Ekkula – Pearl of Africa tourism awards night, the organisers of the Ekkula Awards have launched the Ekkula Sustainable tourism and quality assurance workshops, starting with the Rwenzori region.

The workshops being moved to different regions in Uganda aim to inform local communities about sustainable tourism and quality assurance.

Ekkula Tourism Awards is an annual activity that researches, nominates, exhibits, recognises and awards those that selflessly put Uganda’s tourism to admirable heights.

The awards also aim at promoting sustainable tourism and quality assurance practices.

The launch of the Sustainable tourism and quality assurance workshops is in line with the Ekkula Awards’ commitment to promoting sustainable tourism practices and quality assurance among tourism practitioners in Uganda.

The first workshop was held in Kasese district at the Virina Gardens on September 3rd.

The training was facilitated by the Ekkula Tourism Awards National Coordinator, Bismac Amumpaire and Business Development Manager, Enock Nsubuga, and it brought together 12 participants, miss tourism ambassadors inclusive from the different parts that make up the Rwenzori region.

The workshop started with a brief introduction about Ekkula and its objectives. The participants were then taken through what sustainable tourism is, its concepts and pillars.

The importance of sustainable tourism was emphasized and the participants were urged to adopt sustainable tourism practices while building their new careers.

The second part of the training focused on quality assurance in the tourism industry. The participants were taken through the basics of quality assurance, why it is important, and how to go about it.


Training for Tourism practitioners

What We Did

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